Policies - Acceptable Use Policy
'Planet HomePage is not responsible for the site content
of our customers, or the content of user originated
traffic, and as such all responsibility for content
or traffic that does not conform with this policy lies
with the user.
The customer is expected to have a basic knowledge of
how the Internet functions, what constitutes acceptable
use and what type of use is to be avoided. You are responsible
for use of your account
The User's
Planet HomePage customers must agree to use our service
and services in a manner which does not violate any
applicable laws or regulations and does not interfere
with or disrupt other network users, services or equipment.
Users must respect the privacy of others and the legal
protection afforded by copyright, trade marks, license
rights and other laws to materials accessible via our
Most importantly, use of our services should be ethical
and in accordance with accepted community standards.
All users must refrain from acts that waste resources
or prevent other users from receiving the full benefit
of our services
It is not acceptable to use our service for any purpose
which violates local, State, Federal or International
laws. Unacceptable use includes, but is not limited
to, activities such as unauthorised storage, copying
or distribution of software; violation of copyright,
intellectual or other property rights; trafficking in
threatening, obscene or offensive materials; electronic
"stalking" or other forms of harassment such
as using abusive or aggressive language; fraud; defamation;
misleading or deceptive on-line marketing practices;
unauthorised transmission of confidential information
or material protected by trade secrets; conducting any
business or activity or solicit the performance of any
activity that is prohibited by law; damaging, modifying
or destroying files, data, passwords, devices or resources
of Planet HomePage, other users or third parties; or
attempting to do any of these things.
Soliciting and Resale
Re-sale of Planet HomePage services to others and soliciting
subscribers to other services is strictly forbidden
under all circumstances.
Misuse of Resources
Users must not use the service to interfere with or
disrupt other users, services or equipment including,
but not limited to, sending unsolicited commercial messages;
or distributing messages to inappropriate or unrelated
forums, newsgroups or mailing lists ("spamming").
Planet HomePage may monitor the conduct of your account
to determine whether this policy is being followed but
we will safeguard your privacy unless to do so would
involve us in concealment of a criminal offence or inhibit
the enforcement of this policy (view
Planet Homepage Privacy policy).
If we become concerned that your use of our service
may break the law or that you have not complied with
this policy we will attempt to contact you before taking
of Services
Where we believe that your use of the service may break
the law or that you have not complied with this policy
we may warn you by e-mail; suspend your access to the
service; terminate your account without notice; and/or
notify and provide relevant information to the authorities,
as appears appropriate in the circumstances. Where such
action is taken, Planet HomePage reserves the right,
at our sole discretion, to delete any or all of your
information, material, software or other content stored
on the system.
of Services
Planet HomePage will re-establish services if you do
not repeatedly breach this policy, provided we do not
regard the instance of conduct causing our intervention
as dangerous or serious and the cause of our intervention
is addressed and resolved.